Documentação Técnica

Na resposta da chamada sempre existirá um campo chamado Status. Cada status está associado a um código de como ocorreu o processo durante a chamada, seja ele sucesso, erro ou um problema. Os códigos negativos, em geral, estão relacionados à problemas nos dados de entrada.

Abaixo, temos a tabela completa de retornos, em ordem decrescente de status:

StatusMensagemAPIHTTP StatusCodeÉ Cobrável?
1703WebHook waiting for hooked api response to save resultWEBHOOK200False
1702WebHook waiting for hooked api response to post backWEBHOOK200False
1701WebHook received hooked api responseWEBHOOK200False
1700WebHook post back sentWEBHOOK200False
1501AntiFraud execute successfullyANTIFRAUDMODEL200True
1401SMS code OkSMS200True
1400The SMS was sent correctly!SMS200True
1200Operação realizada com sucessoCONFIGAPI200False
1000Token generatedCONFIGAPI200False
316Entrie found in list. Email was sentQUESTIONS200True
93SuccessFACEMATCH 1XN V2200True
92Found info. The sides of the documents were sent inverted.VERIFYID200True
91Validations OKBACKGROUNDCHECK400False
82SuccessFACEMATCH 1XN200True
81All Pictures MatchFACEMATCH 1X1200True
80Face picture matchFACEMATCH 1X1200True
79Found Info on LotteryVERIFYLOTTERY200True
78Info aggregated.AGGREGATION200False
77Image analysed in Manual Fallback.VERIFYID200True
76SuccessFACEMATCH 1XN200True
75Requisition sended to Manual Fallback.VERIFYID200True
74Found info on ResidenceLIGHTRECEIPT200True
73Found Info on ReceiptVERIFYIMAGE_CC200True
72Found Info on InvoiceVERIFYINVOICES200True
71Found Info on ImageVERIFYIMAGE200True
70Found infoVERIFYID200True
40Found info to classifyCLASSIFYID200False
34Is on TrackMeWhiteListQUESTIONS200True
33Is on WhiteListQUESTIONS200True
32Is on WatchlistQUESTIONS200True
31Velocity Validation PassedQUESTIONS200False
3Data validation okQUESTIONS200False
-1Not validatedANSWERS200True
-2Not validatedANSWERS200True
-5Frontend user response timeoutANSWERS200True
-100An error occurred while building the questionsQUESTIONS512False
-101Not enough informationQUESTIONS312True
-102Build questionnaire timeoutQUESTIONS512False
-103Check Essential questions config.QUESTIONS313True
-110Invalid domainQUESTIONS401False
-111Access deniedALL401False
-112Insufficient input parametersQUESTIONS400False
-113Not enough selected questionsQUESTIONS400False
-114An error occurred while generating the questionsQUESTIONS512False
-115CPF Belongs to minorALL200False
-116CPF not found from other documentsQUESTIONS200False
-117No event was found for the received TicketIDQUESTIONS401False
-118Default client configuration not setVERIFYID412False
-119The provided TicketID was already usedQUESTIONS400False
-120Error loading domain/group configurationsALL400False
-121Domain/group configurations with invalid question countQUESTIONS512False
-122Domain/group configurations with invalid options per question countQUESTIONS512False
-123Invalid MinScoreQUESTIONS512False
-124Essential questions greater than half of total questionsQUESTIONS513False
-127Number of Info types with questions marked as essential lower than essential questions total.QUESTIONS516False
-130Error loading question detailsALL512False
-140Sended image has big resolution.IMAGEANALYSIS400False
-141ModelVariant should only be: balanced, min_risk or min_attrition.IMAGEANALYSISV2400False
-200An error occurred while checking answersANSWERS512False
-201Invalid domainANSWERS401False
-202Invalid TicketIdANSWERS400False
-203Invalid questionnaireANSWERS400False
-204Questionnaire expiredANSWERS200True
-205Access deniedANSWERS401False
-206Configuration ErrorANSWERS400False
-207Not Enought AnswersANSWERS400True
-300Error has occurred in the Image Analysis.IMAGEANALYSIS200False
-301Invalid CPFQUESTIONS200True
-302Email risk too highQUESTIONS200True
-303Input name doesn't match with official nameQUESTIONS200True
-304CPF suspected of obitQUESTIONS200True
-305Invalid CPF SizeQUESTIONS200False
-307Questionnaire already answeredANSWERS400True
-308Blocked by Velocity validationQUESTIONS200True
-309Blocked by Black List validationQUESTIONS200True
-310An error has occurred in the API.IMAGEANALYSIS512False
-311Blocked by TrackMe validationQUESTIONS200True
-312Blocked by TrackMe Black List validationQUESTIONS200True
-313Missing TrackMe validation inputQUESTIONS200True
-314Blocked by TrackMe IP VelocityQUESTIONS200True
-315Missing BigID validation inputQUESTIONS512False
-316CPF status not okQUESTIONS200True
-317Entrie found in list. But Email was not sentQUESTIONS200True
-318Under minimum allowed ageQUESTIONS200True
-319Blocked by IP Velocity validationQUESTIONS200True
-320This TicketId has reached the request limitALL400True
-321This TicketId is not from this request typeALL400False
-322Image within url don't existALL400False
-323The TicketId sended is invalid or don't exist.AGGREGATION400False
-324The aggregation type sended is invalid or don't exist.AGGREGATION400False
-325No documents were found to agreggateAGGREGATION200False
-401It is necessary to be logged in to complete this operationALL401False
-410An error occurred during the Classify service executionCLASSIFYID512False
-411No DOC picture was provided to classifyCLASSIFYID400False
-412No info was found to classify the provided pictureCLASSIFYID200False
-413The DOC picture is not on base64 or URL formatCLASSIFYID400False
-500BigBoost Access DeniedALL401False
-501BigBoost not configuredALL401False
-600An error occurred while getting questionnaire eventEVENTS200False
-601Invalid domainEVENTS512False
-602Access deniedEVENTS401False
-603No record foundEVENTS200False
-604Invalid ParametersEVENTS400False
-605Event query was successfulEVENTS200False
-650Bad request. No parameter was provided.IMAGEQUALITY400False
-651Bad request. Wrong input key parameter. Must have 'image'.IMAGEQUALITY400False
-652Bad request. Wrong base64 string input parameter.IMAGEQUALITY400False
-653No token was provided in requestIMAGEQUALITY403False
-654The image is truncated.IMAGEQUALITY400False
-655Access Denied, Your token is expiredIMAGEQUALITY403False
-656Access Denied, Check your credentialsIMAGEQUALITY403False
-660An error occurred during ImageQuality execution.IMAGEQUALITY512False
-661An error occurred during Face Modules execution.IMAGEQUALITY512False
-662An error occurred during Document Modules execution.IMAGEQUALITY512False
-663The DOC picture is not on base64 or URL formatIMAGEQUALITY400False
-664An error occurred during FaceQuality execution.IMAGEQUALITY512False
-700The face picture and the document picture does not matchVERIFYID200True
-701An error occurred during the OCR service executionVERIFYID512False
-702No DOC picture was providedVERIFYID400False
-703No facial picture was providedVERIFYID400False
-704No info was found on the provided pictureVERIFYID200True
-705The DOC picture is not on correct base64VERIFYID400False
-706The Facial picture is not on correct base64VERIFYID400False
-707No picture was providedVERIFYIMAGE200False
-708The provided image URL is not OKVERIFYIMAGE200False
-709The image is not on Base64VERIFYIMAGE200False
-710An error occurred during the Image OCR executionVERIFYIMAGE512False
-711No info was found on the provided pictureVERIFYIMAGE200True
-712No info was found on the provided pictureVERIFYINVOICES200True
-713An error occurred during the Invoice OCR executionVERIFYINVOICES512False
-714The image is not on Base64VERIFYINVOICES200False
-715The provided invoice image URL is not OKVERIFYINVOICES200False
-716No picture was providedVERIFYINVOICES200False
-717Suspicious URLALL400False
-718No Doctype was provided.VERIFYID400True
-719No info was found on the provided pictureVERIFYLOTTERY200True
-721No info was found on the provided pictureVERIFYIMAGE_CC200True
-723An error occurred during the Lottery OCR executionVERIFYLOTTERY512False
-726No picture was providedVERIFYLOTTERY200False
-730Missing mandatory parameters for SerPro API CallVERIFYID200True
-731Missing Serpro TokenVERIFYID401False
-732Found info in OCR, but some error occured during SerproAPIVERIFYID200True
-733The DocType provided does not exist.VERIFYID400False
-800The face pictures does not matchFACEMATCH 1X1200True
-801An error occurred during the Face Match executionFACEMATCH 1X1512False
-802No Base Face picture was providedFACEMATCH 1X1400False
-803No Comparative Face picture was providedFACEMATCH 1X1400False
-804Base Facial image is not on Base64FACEMATCH 1X1400False
-805Comparative Facial image is not on Base64FACEMATCH 1X1400False
-806The provided image URL is not OKFACEMATCH 1X1400False
-807Not enought images were providedFACEMATCH 1X1400False
-808No match was foundFACEMATCH 1XN200True
-809Image in base64 is incorrect or dont existFACEMATCH 1XN400False
-810Image within URL dont existFACEMATCH 1XN400False
-811Insufficient input parametersFACEMATCH 1XN400False
-812Image dont existFACEMATCH 1XN400False
-813An error occurred during the FaceMatch executionFACEMATCH 1XN512False
-814One request key is wrongFACEMATCH 1X1400False
-815There are no faces in the image.FACEMATCH 1XN200True
-816The images sent are identical!FACEMATCH 1X1400False
-817No match was foundFACEMATCH 1XN V2200True
-818An error occurred during the FaceMatch executionFACEMATCH 1XN V2512False
-819There are no faces in the image.FACEMATCH 1XN V2200True
-820Configuration Request Values are out off range!FACEMATCH 1XN V2512False
-821Face collection not registered under subdomainFACEMATCH 1XN400False
-901Document Birthday and Official Birthday does not matchVERIFYID200True
-902Age is under eighteenVERIFYID200True
-903Age is above one hundredVERIFYID200True
-904Difference between firt qualification date and birthday date is under eighteenVERIFYID200True
-905Difference between firt qualification date and birthday date is above one hundredVERIFYID200True
-906First qualification date is greater than the valid dateVERIFYID200True
-907Document expiredVERIFYID200True
-908Document is about sixty days or less to expireVERIFYID200True
-909Document has more than five years to expireVERIFYID200True
-910Birthday date is greater than the expiration dateVERIFYID200True
-911Expedition date is greater than the expiration dateVERIFYID200True
-912Birthday date is greater than the expedition dateVERIFYID200True
-913First qualification date is greater than the expedition dateVERIFYID200True
-914First qualification date is greater than the birthday dateVERIFYID200True
-915The size of the image that you are trying to execute is too largeVERIFYID400False
-916The base64 is not in a accepted typeALL400False
-918An error occured during image processingVERIFYID512False
-919Only one page of a pdf document is acceptedALL400False
-920The pdf document is corruptedALL400False
-921The tiff document is corruptedALL400False
-922Document has more than three years to expireVERIFYID200True
-923Document has more than ten years to expireVERIFYID200True
-1000Access deniedCONFIGAPI401False
-1001An error ocurred while generating the token.CONFIGAPI512False
-1002The provided Expiration value is above the 3650 limit. Please provide an integer between 1 and 3650.CONFIGAPI401False
-1100Not ApprovedBACKGROUNDCHECK200True
-1101An error occurred while checking personBACKGROUNDCHECK512False
-1103Insufficient input parametersBACKGROUNDCHECK400False
-1106Email risk is too highBACKGROUNDCHECK400False
-1107An error has occurred in email validation, please, contact the supportBACKGROUNDCHECK400False
-1108This group don't have a configuration for the BackgroundCheck product, please, contact the supportBACKGROUNDCHECK400False
-1109This cpf is in the black list!BACKGROUNDCHECK400True
-1110This cnpj is in the black list!BACKGROUNDCHECK400True
-1111Blocked by Velocity validationBACKGROUNDCHECK400True
-1112Blocked by IP Velocity validationBACKGROUNDCHECK400True
-1114Missing parameters in requestBACKGROUNDCHECK400False
-1115An error has ocurredBACKGROUNDCHECK500False
-1126Invalid BigBoost token, check your configuration.BACKGROUNDCHECK403False
-1127BigBoost token expired, check your configuration.BACKGROUNDCHECK403False
-1128BigBoost user error:BACKGROUNDCHECK403False
-1200Acesso negadoCONFIGAPI200False
-1201Faltam parâmetros. Os parâmetros obrigatórios são: KEY, BEHAVIOUR, GROUPCONFIGURATIONNAMECONFIGAPI200False
-1202O parâmetro BEHAVIOUR aceita somente: UPDATE ou OVERWRITECONFIGAPI200False
-1203O parâmetro KEY aceita somente: CPF ou CRMCONFIGAPI200False
-1204Algum valor dentro da lista não é válidoCONFIGAPI200False
-1205Não foi possível recuparar informações do grupo de configuraçãoCONFIGAPI200False
-1206O parâmetro KEY aceita somente: CPF ou CNPJCONFIGAPI200False
-1301Not ValidatedSDKLIVENESS200True
-1311Access deniedSDKLIVENESS401False
-1314An Error occurred while processing the liveness proofSDKLIVENESS512False
-1400The SMS was not sent correctly!SMS200False
-1401The user has no SMS Config!SMS400False
-1402An error occured during the SMS executionSMS512False
-1403The phone sent is not in a correct format!SMS400False
-1404SMS code expiredSMS200True
-1405Wrong SMS codeSMS200True
-1406The ticketid sent is invalid or null!SMS400True
-1407Maximum number of rechecks reached, send another SMS!SMS200True
-1501An error occurred during the AntiFraud API executionANTIFRAUDMODEL512False
-1502The given AntiFraud API type doesn't exist!ANTIFRAUDMODEL400False
-1503Invalid CPFANTIFRAUDMODEL200False
-1700WebHook internal sever errorWEBHOOK512False
-1701Missing S3 Private Keys parametersALL400False
-1701Invalid API name or empty bodyALL400False
-1701Postabck url not foundWEBHOOK400False